
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Guard Duty

It is evident that the house is under watch. And the street. And the bushes, the neighbors's lawn, and so on. Gus, on the left, is a little more laid back in his method of surveillance. He feels no need to damage the windowsill with a frenzied alarm of toenail scratching to emphasize the alert that will be sounded. A low but insistent bark is enough for Gusser.

Crunch, on the other hand, knows how to convey URGENCY. Not only will be you aware that a human, an animal, a leaf, or a bug is within a half mile radius, you will know that it is necessary to run to window and see for yourself. These days we have a few lizards who like to sun themselves on the front porch and brick pedastals. Evil lizards according to the guards...
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